Your community pools are likely very busy right now as residents attempt to beat the heat! Pools can be an attractive, albeit expensive, amenity for potential owners, especially in warmer climates like we have here in Arizona. It is important for communities to manage and maintain their pools in good condition so that owners can continue to enjoy the amenities they anticipate when they purchase within the community.
Pool Rules
One way to maintain a community pool is to enact and enforce effective rules that contribute to the safe and communal enjoyment of the pool. The Community Association Institute advises that HOAs and condos adopt comprehensive rules to apply to their community pool.
These rules should contemplate:
• Swimwear
• Food and drink restrictions
• Guests and children
• Smoking and alcoholic beverages
Each HOA and condo will have different needs and different wants for their pool environment, so the rules should adhere to the community’s mission. For example, qualified 55+ communities may have restrictions on children allowed at the pool, whereas a community with a family focus may instead consider restrictions on alcoholic beverages. Please keep in mind, however, that the Fair Housing Act applies to amenities as well and therefore prohibits discrimination based on disabilities or familial status. For our firm’s Cheat Sheet on Federal Laws for Community Associations click HERE.
Pool rules should also work to keep your community pool safe. Where there is deep water, there is inherent danger, especially if your pool is open to Owners at all times and does not have lifeguards. Pool rules and signage can provide guidance for Owners to enjoy the pool in the safest way possible. Rules like this can include limited time in spas or jacuzzis, no running or rough housing, limitations on large floats, and restrictions on glass bottles. If your pool does not have a lifeguard on duty, it may be wise to have signage instructing owners what to do in an emergency, such as immediately calling 911 and listing the basics of life-saving resuscitation techniques. Click HERE for our firm’s prior blog entitled Drowning is Preventable.
Pool Maintenance
Another crucial aspect of a successful pool summer is maintaining the pool well, year-round. A community pool is a significant expense, both in day-to-day utilities and long-term capital improvements. The pool should be included in the reserve study so your HOA or condo can plan for, and budget for, major pool-related expenses such as replacing filters or resurfacing the pool and surrounding areas.
Day-to-day maintenance can extend your pool’s life as well, such as careful and correct chemical usage and consistent cleaning. The Association should take care to check chemical levels in the pool at least a couple times each day during the busy season both for a more enjoyable experience for Owners and for appropriate pool maintenance. Chemicals such as Alkaline and Chlorine can be harsh on the pool surface and paint, so maintaining these levels so that the water is clean and clear, but also not harder on the pool than necessary, will serve the Association well.
Summer can be a wonderful time of year, even in extreme temperatures, with a pool for everyone to enjoy. HOAs and condos should take the time to look at their community pools and see how it’s running: are Owners submitting complaints, is it heavily used, are some capital improvements going to be due in the next couple of years? All of these are factors to consider when starting budget talks this fall.
Please reach out to us at Mulcahy Law Firm, P.C. with any questions or concerns regarding your Association’s pool-related needs.